College courses accredited by Bible Institute in Jordan

Training tomorrow's leaders for the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our ministry works with a Bible College based in Jordan, offering almost all of its courses to students in Bethlehem and the surrounding area. Because of your help, we teach courses and assist qualified students with tuition.
Media Ministry
Holy Land Media produces all kinds of videos in both Arabic and English. Some are for television broadcast across the Middle East, others for Internet distribution YouTube. New programming for both venues is always under development.
Our weekly Bible teaching program is produced in Arabic. It is broadcast over the Al-Hayat the satellite network, reaching up to 300 million in the Middle East and throughout the world.
Under the supervision of trained professionals, Holy Land Media trains young people to produce professional video and develop marketable skills.

Arab Youth for Jesus

Arab young people are the target of many who are trying hard to win their hearts, luring them especially to acts of exciting, sanctioned violence. These are the same young people that God is bringing into our outreach. Many if not most come from difficult family backgrounds, often without love. Our youth group cultivates a safe community where all participants know God's compassion within the healthy boundaries revealed in God's Word.
Activities include weekly meetings every Saturday where they celebrate God in worship and learn about Him from studying the Bible. Times together include lively dialogue, games and just plain fun. They are tomorrow's leaders in the church and in our community. Thank you for your prayers on their behalf. Knowing that you stand with them, that they are not alone in the world, not only changes individual lives, it changes the fabric of tomorrow's world when they become its leaders.
Women United in Faith

Our Women's ministry hosts events once or twice a month. Women from throughout the community are invited to attend. And they do, coming from all kinds of backgrounds, including those that are not Christian. Regardless of background, many who attend are stepping out only for an hour or two from very difficult situations. Our objectives are to safely share personal problems, encourage and pray for one another. We also teach what the Bible has to say about the role of women in society and the home, and what it means in this culture to be a godly mother, godly wife.
Times together almost always include good food and laughter too. This ministry provides unique and often singular opportunities for women in our culture to have an authentic encounter with Jesus - the Jesus of the Bible and His love for women.
Do you have a background of abuse from which Christ is rescuing you? Further your own recovery by participating in outreach to these hurting women in the Holy Land. Click here:
Young Adult Married Couples
Facilitated by Dimittry Mansour, our Young Couples group meets every month. The goal is to encourage spiritual growth, interact about marriage and family issues and to strengthen relationships with other believers with similar issues. Meetings include prayer, worship, Bible study -- and food!
Family Retreats
Once or twice a year we invite all of our ministry's families to get out of town, away from home for a time of retreat. Our desire is to encounter God and each other away from the stress of everyday life, including the toxic atmosphere of the culture in which we live and work and sleep and breathe.
Family camps proved unique opportunities to deepen the spiritual connection between family members, members of our community, and individually, with God. Our country's lifelong immersion in violence and loss of human life is an environment that, like a black hole, pulls many into a paralyzing darkness of loneliness, hopelessness and despair.
Often just by getting out of town, and doing so as a body, we find fresh spiritual air that rejuvenates the soul as in a different place, even for a day or two, we move out of the darkness into Christ's light, drawing close to Him and finding there renewal for our spirits, for our souls and minds and hearts. Jesus Himself did this kind of thing on a regular basis (see Luke 4:1-4).
Make it possible for us to underwrite these times of renewal, and to do them more than once or twice a year; Click here...
Intercession Warfare

We know that prayer is a necessary and powerful weapon that God has given to us. Sadly, most believers never learn to use it. Here we still have much to learn, but we are practicing every day. Perhaps we are more compelled than others. Spiritual warfare in our land, in our community and even in our homes is all too real. It is so aggressive, so intense, it is almost impossible to ignore.
In this context, in this environment, we bear witness to the power, the effectiveness, of intercession warfare prayer. Over the decades we have seen countless women, men and children set free from bondage as a direct result of earnest, specific and constant prayer. We also know from hard experience that earnest prayers give strength and protection for our families, our homes, our inner selves.
Join us in this crucial ministry. No matter where you are, you are welcome to fight by our side on our knees before the throne of God. Kneel with us, won't you? Click here...
Short-term Missions-Ministry Internships
Our missions, medical and tours to the Holy Land are different than all others. We bring you to all the Holy Land, Jewish and Arab, Israel and the Palestinian Territories. All the land is teaming with people whom God loves and for whom He sent his only begotten Son to live and die on their, on our, behalf.
Medical mission trips host medical professionals who bring the talent, time and compassion to provide care for those who could never afford it. Mission trips bring groups to interact with, learn from and enjoy people from all walks of life. And our tours do the same, adding the benefit of first-class visits to all the classic sites in our tiny country, walking where Jesus walked.
Join us! Learn more. Contact the leader of this ministry, our colleague, Daniel Collins. Click here...