Evangelistic Conferences

Two or three times each year we reach out to Bethlehem's broader community with a meal, music, teaching. Muslims, Orthodox Christians and seekers from every walk of life. Attendance at these conferences continues to increase. Our latest drew move than 1,200 local residents. This is an open doors to open hearts hungry for the Gospel.
Christmas for Bethlehem

Every Christmas we host a banquet for residents of Bethlehem where we present Jesus as the Son of God, born in place so that in our place he could pay our penalty for sin. He is God's indescribable Gift to us. The Christmas season is a unique opportunity to reach our largely non-Christian neighbors with the truth of the Gospel. Hearts otherwise closed are opened as we express a token of God's generosity in presents to children and a festive meal.
Scouting in the Holy Land

Scouting is a big deal in Bethlehem. Troops all around the city and surrounding areas engage in activities for boys and girls, including year-long practice for participation in the annual Christmas parade.
Our Scouting program is the only one in Bethlehem that is distinctly Christian, emphasizing Jesus as the singular reason for life and dignity.
Why is this such an important program in our ministry? Several reasons. It informs the community at-large what our ministry is all about. It shows the city our active involvement in and commitment to in civil matters. It creates healthy environments for young people to learn music, self-discipline and the good news of the Gospel.
Vacation Bible School

Was your life changed by Vacation Bible School? It changes lives here too. And what a difference those changes mean both now and in tomorrow's world.
Every summer we host a community-wide Vacation Bible School. Roughly half of the 300-plus children who join us every year do not attend church—any church. Our ministry provides everything, including transportation. Children's families incur no expense. The financial burden we embrace is significant, but children are more than worth the cost.
Food for the Needy